DJ SELECTION 457 one of the best-selling dance album on iTunes DJ SELECTION 457 one of the best-selling dance album on iTunes! Ofenbach, The Chainsmokers, VANRIP, THE CUBE GUYS, Federico Scavo, Aquadrop and many others! Grab your copy here:
SAGI REI with MAX BRIGANTE on Radio 105 Sagi Rei a 105 Mi Casa: "L'idea delle cover dei brani dance? E' nata ad una festa!" L'artista israeliano ha presentato “Sagi Rei - Emotional Songs Live From Blue Note Milano”, la sua ultima raccolta di grandi successi reinterpretati e registrati live al Blue Note di Milano. "Questo album racchiude un po' i pezzi più rappresentativi dei miei lavori". Così Sagi Rei ha introdotto il suo nuovo album intitolato “Sagi Rei - Emotional Songs Live From Blue Note Milano” parlandon... Read More
Listen to INTRO Stealth's new single INTRO Stealth, an insomniac with a flair for music. His dark tone mirrors the nights he spends awake writing moody lyrics and melodies, yet his voice is big enough to wake the dead. Stealth’s sound takes strong influence from blues and soul, Howlin Wolf and Etta James are two of his idols. He’s found, between the dark tone of his voice and emotive lyrics, a moving and personal style of music. Stealth has been quickly turning tastemaker heads with the release of his debut EP Intro. Phil Taggart has been a big champion at Radio 1 and described ‘I Don’t Nee... Read More
Vote for DIY at DANCE MUSIC AWARDS 2017 DANCE MUSIC AWARDS Send a message at 340 6358503 and vote! Cod. 524 The best Independent Label DO IT YOURSELF Cod. 106 The best track LA LUNA Jude & Frank feat. Totó la Momposina Cod. 219 The best House DJ Producer THE CUBE GUYS Cod.144 The best Bootleg Nicola Fasano & Miami Rockets (Sweet Dreams in Tenpaku)